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Greener events for a green world…

Atomic Bee is passionate about the environment and preserving our beautiful planet.

It’s hard for any industry to set a perfect example, but with the fate of the environment at the forefront of our minds we’d like to start doing our bit, and lead the change for greener events.

At Green Bee we aim to help evolve your organisation & its events to meet this growing environmental necessity and trend, whilst still implementing Atomic Bee’s knowledge for creating award-winning engaging experiences. 

 Our sustainable, eco-conscious and community driven events & activities enable your company to take an active role in highlighting your ethical standpoint and encouraging better environmental practices...

 Green Bee’s promise to YOU, and the PLANET…

•       ALL our suppliers will be ‘Green Certified’  

•       ALL our artwork will be recyclable 

•       NO single use plastics will be part of our events

•       Re-use of/ethical disposal or re-cycling of old materials such as clothes, props, cardboard and other materials. 

•       Focus on re-use, re-cycle or eco-friendly alternatives in everyday life 

Why choose Green Bee?

•       Meet community Social Responsibility KPI’s

•       Create positive PR & social impact for your company 

•       Drive footfall and/or allegiance to your organisation

•       Demonstrate your ethical and moral conscience as a company 

•       Educate & excite the public into making their own sustainable choices 


And not forgetting…

•       Influencing immeasurable benefit to the environment


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Case Study

Churchill Square Beach Clean

Churchill Square Beach Clean

Please get in touch on to discuss developing a new Green Bee project, or implementing Green Bee’s eco-friendly practices to your existing events calendar…